Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
The study of the gifts of the Holy Spirit has become more and more important as the Holy Spirit prepares for these end times.
Friend, you need spiritual gifts to be an effective christian to win the lost, excel in your ministry and fulfill the purpose God has palced in your life.
Maintain a teachable attitude and an open heart to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you to the truth regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Gifts Of The Spirit
The Holy Spirit has given the spiritual gifts to every christian so that we are able to profit the body of the Church. Your gifts are meant to edify and encourage your fellow brothers and sisters in christ, the church and even as a witness to the unsaved.
The Gift Of The Word Of Wisdom (Part 1)
One of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, the word of wisdom is a supernatural revelation by the Holy Spirit concerning the divine will and purpose in the mind of God.
The Gift Of The Word Of Wisdom (Part 2)
A further explaination of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reveals God's plans and purpose for the future through the gift of the word of wisdom.
The Gift of The Word Of Knowledge
The gift of the word of knowledge is the divine revelations by God. The Holy Spirit takes certain facts and truths in the mind of God and reveals them to you.
The Gift Of The Word Of Knowledge In The Old Testament
Through the gift of the word of knowledge, the depressed can be made glad, the discouraged can be encouraged. The enemy will be defeated and our Lord Jesus is glorified.
The Gift Of Faith (Part 1)
One of the nine spiritual gifts, the gift of faith allows you to believe that God honours your words as His own. As you speak to your circumstances in faith, God will miraculously bring them to pass.
The Gift Of Faith (Part 2)
The gift of faith is a divine empowerment by the Holy Spirit. Whatever desires that God has placed in your heart, when you speak it out in faith, God will eventually bring them to pass.
The Gifts of Healings
One of the most amazing gifts of the Holy Spirit, the purpose of the gifts of healings is to deliver those sick in the body. And also to smite the devil to destroy his works in the body of men.
The Gift Of Working Of Miracles
A miracle is something out of the norm. Science cannot explain it. It is a divine intervention along the course of time and nature. A temporary stop, out of the usual order to demonstrate the power of God.
The Gift Of Discerning Of Spirits
The Holy Spirit gives us the gift of discerning of spirits to allow supernatural insight of the spiritual realm. You will know what is sent from heaven and what is send from hell.
The Gift Of Prophecy
One of the nine spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gift of prophecy is the most important among the 3 gifts of inspiration. Prophecy is the speaking of God's words understood by others.
The Gifts Of Tongues
The different kinds of tongues is a divine utterance by the Holy Spirit. It is a heavenly language, not understood by the human mind of the one speaking. The Holy Spirit prays for you when you speak in tongues.
The Gift Of Interpretation Of Tongues
The last of the nine spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. The interpretation of tongues is a divine revelation by the Holy Spirit of the meanings of tongues to edify the body of Christ.
Articles On Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
Your Spiritual Gifts Determine The Call Of God In Your Life
Everyone of us has a call of God in our lives. You are called by God to do something specific for Him. And He will anoint you with spiritual gifts and abilities. Find out what they are!
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